Visualizing RNG’s Impact for Corporations, Utilities and Fleets

Posted on Tuesday, November 19, 2024

RNG Fuels Corporate Operations
Corporations can significantly reduce their carbon footprint by transitioning to renewable natural gas (RNG), a greener alternative to conventional natural gas. RNG offers the same capabilities as traditional natural gas, including powering operations, heating systems and fleets without any loss in efficiency. Because RNG can leverage existing infrastructure, companies can quickly decrease their carbon footprint and support company sustainability goals without significant capital investment in operational changes. Read more about why your organization should adopt RNG here


Utilities Powering a Greener Future with RNG
Due to regulatory requirements, like the Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) and the Clean Heat Standards (CHS), more and more states are required to diversify their energy mix with greener alternatives. Including RNG in the utility’s energy mix can be a strategic move for utilities aiming to enhance sustainability and meet regulatory requirements as it is a turnkey solution that reduces emissions. 


Driving down Emissions with RNG
RNG as a transportation fuel is a cost-effective, greener option for fleets looking to transition away from diesel fuel. With a proven track record in natural gas vehicles (NGVs), RNG-powered fleets can deliver better carbon reduction than electric trucks at about one-third of the price while also saving up to 91% on fuel costs. Additionally, fleets can maximize the financial and logistical benefits of RNG by investing in their own fueling stations – read more about fueling stations here.



1. Waste Dive: RNG industry expects voluntary agreements, new credits to spur growth in 2024 | Waste Dive
2. EPA:
3. Renewable energy explained - renewable portfolio and clean energy standards - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
4. More than half of US residents now affected by 100% clean energy legislation - Washington Examiner 
5. Clean heat standards: an effective climate policy for the thermal sector - Climate 411
6. How much does an electric semi really cost? - International Council on Clean Transportation
8. Private Fleets Pursuing Emissions Goals More Aggressively | Transport Topics
9. Renewable Natural Gas Breaking Motor Fuel Usage Records – The Transport Project
10. Vehicles – The Transport Project
11. RNG_FAQ_March_2021_FINAL_0.pdf

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