Environmental impact is one of many factors considered by pipeline operators before initiating projects. We work hard to work around environmentally sensitive areas, but when impacts cannot be completely avoided, measures are taken to restore an ecosystem’s composition, structure and function to its previous state. For example, in 2022 some herbaceous wetlands in DuPage County, Illinois were temporarily disturbed as a result of safety upgrades performed on a section of Kinder Morgan’s Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America (NGPL) system. After the completion of the project, the appropriate shrubs were replanted in the area impacted by construction activities.
The DuPage County wetlands restoration is one of Kinder Morgan’s many long-term biodiversity management commitments and is a good example of our sustainability program strategy of preserving healthy and diverse ecosystems in the communities where we operate.

Based on the nature of the project and the area, Kinder Morgan may designate an environmental inspector with wetlands or waterbody knowledge to verify that environmental conditions are met during projects. Thorough plans and procedures are established to reduce environmental impacts as much as possible. We also employ a variety of other strategies to minimize our operating assets’ impact in areas such as sensitive habitats and conservation areas with threatened or endangered species, wetlands and waterbodies.
“We strive to meet or exceed the regulatory standards that protect these important areas because we recognize the importance of healthy ecosystems in our everyday lives. Whether we are designing a new pipeline route, performing upgrades on existing systems or completing maintenance on facilities, land and habitat preservation remains a key consideration in the way we operate,” said Tatum.