Over the last several years, we have implemented a Contractor Safety Program that focuses on improving the safety and health of all personnel who work at our facilities, and protecting the environment in which we work. An important component of this program is to require that all contractors who provide services at our facilities participate in our contractor safety evaluation program. In order to be considered by Kinder Morgan during the contractor services selection process, each contract company is required to subscribe and maintain a subscription to ISNetworld (www.isnetworld.com). ISNetworld serves as Kinder Morgan's primary contractor information management system.
Your company's ISNetworld subscription will provide Kinder Morgan access to the following information:
1. EHS Questionnaire - ISNetworld contains the Management System Questionnaire (MSQ) which will be utilized to gather your company's EHS data and quarterly statistics.
2. EHS Programs - ISNetworld RAVS (Review and Verification Services) will review your written health and safety programs for compliance with regulatory and/or Kinder Morgan standards.
3. Certificate of Insurance - ISNetworld I-RAVS (Insurance - Review and Verification Services) will review your certificate of insurance specific to Kinder Morgan requirements.
4. Department of Transportation (DOT) Operator Qualification (OQ) Information - Contractors impacted by the OQ regulation must ensure their employees' OQ records are entered into ISNetworld and made available to Kinder Morgan.
5. DOT Drug & Alcohol Information - Contractors performing DOT work must have a DOT Drug and Alcohol Plan in place. This plan is reviewed by Kinder Morgan's third party auditor, National Compliance Management Services (NCMS).
6. Onsite Reviews/Audits - Another important component of our program consists of performing onsite reviews/audits of contractors' EHS programs to verify safe work practices. ISNetworld will be used to store audit results. At some time in the near future, and with prior notice, your company may be audited and the results posted in ISNetworld.
7. ISN Identification Requirement - As of July 1, 2017, every individual (working for a contractor [or subcontractor] that meets Kinder Morgan’s ISN subscription requirement) must have an ISN issued photo identification badge (or produce electronically) available upon request on ANY company location or project.
8. Kinder Morgan Core Training (KM Core) - Prior to arriving onsite, contractor workers must complete the Kinder Morgan Core requirement within ISNetworld. KM Core encompasses Kinder Morgan’s safety culture expectations as well as fundamental training topics such as First Aid, Incident Reporting, Fire Prevention and Protection, Hazard Awareness, Energy Isolation and Control, Personal Protective Equipment and Driving Safety. Additionally, individual KM locations may require site specific orientation and/or training qualifications.
There is a fee to subscribe to ISNetworld. Kinder Morgan believes the benefits to both parties will far exceed any associated costs.
For more information about ISNetworld, please contact the ISN Customer Service Team using the information provided below.